Monday, March 10, 2014

Joey Graceffa

Profile: Joey Graceffa is an American vlogger, entertainer, model, occasional singer and gamer on Youtube. He currently lives in Los Angeles California (no surprise there.) I've come to see that most bigger youtuber's live in or near the California area. They are technically celebrities though so I guess it works. Anyway back to Joey. He's twenty two years old and has been making Youtube videos since 2008 or 2009. He started off on a collab channel with his childhood friend Brittany called "winterspringpro" which was a channel where they would make quirky and or low budget little films. After Joey left that channel (videos are no longer posted) he created his own personal channel called "JoeyGraceffa" where he's riding solo, and a gaming channel called "Joey Graceffa" where him and his friend Stacy usually play minecraft together or other games . He pay's and endorses someone to edit pretty much all of his videos. Joey is of course a youtube partner so his main source of income are his channels ad revenues, but he also models and is trying to pursue an acting career. He's well known for his "catchphrases" including; "oh my goodness gracianyas," "beautiful for spacious skies," and many others which have been featured and sold on tshirts and other items found on district lines which is a online clothing store.  In 2013 he wrote and starred in his own series called "Story Tellers" which was heavily fantasy, and adventure based. These videos currently have around 1 million views per episode (6 episodes all together.) Some Youtubers that Joey has been associated include; Shane Dawson, Katrific, Luke Conrad, Sawyer Hartman, etc. He has also been the subject of controversy and gossip for multiple reasons including his lack of sexual preference that he has not made publicly known and a mishap with comedian Nate Clark who had Joey's car towed for blocking his driveway. That however wasn't the end of the argument. Joey made a vlog about the mishap complaining about the ordeal which caused Clark to backlash and release Joey's finance records which were conveniently on Joey's passenger seat of his car. However, of course the ordeal has died down and it hasn't really been talked of since. Some speculation on who Joey has dated have pointed to multiple people, including a british vlogger on Youtube named Doug. Joey took down a vlog starring him and Doug showing him picking him up from the airport and some fans have said that evidence proves they were staying in the same room. Until Joey or Doug says one way or another though this mystery will never be solved.
Popular Videos: Some of Joey Graceffas most viewed videos include:
Opinion Time: I personally think Joey Graceffa is an okay content creator. He has a sassiness and quirky side to him but he has also been known to be quite snarky. From what's been seen and said in his videos and others videos he seems like a decent guy so I have no hatred towards him on any level. Hes a good looking guy who has a lot going for him and hes young so who knows whats in store for him in the future! Also the whole sexuality thing of course doesn't matter to me. No matter what he identifies as is up to him if he wants to broadcast it to the world. Let him do his own thing and live his life like he wants. I do think that he does have a decent singing voice when he does covers and his smile and quirkiness can brighten up someone's day. He's also got a positive look on life which can and has helped others but that doesn't mean he doesn't show the bad parts too in his vlogs. I give him credit for putting out this raw footage to the world even if some of it may be edited we still get to see the emotion.
Links: You can find his main channel here:

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